Wakeboard Sizing Guide & More

Which Size Wakeboard Should You Buy?

  1. Riders under 120 lbs (55 kg):

    • Wakeboard Length: 130-134 cm
    • Description: Lighter riders should opt for shorter wakeboards to enhance maneuverability and control on the water. Smaller sizes provide better responsiveness and agility, allowing for quicker turns and tricks.
  2. Riders between 120-150 lbs (55-68 kg):

    • Wakeboard Length: 134-138 cm
    • Description: This weight range can choose wakeboards that are slightly longer than those for lighter riders. These sizes strike a balance between maneuverability and stability, providing a versatile platform for various riding styles.
  3. Riders between 150-180 lbs (68-82 kg):

    • Wakeboard Length: 138-142 cm
    • Description: Medium-sized wakeboards are suitable for riders in this weight range. They offer a blend of stability and maneuverability, making them versatile for different riding styles and skill levels.
  4. Riders between 180-220 lbs (82-100 kg):

    • Wakeboard Length: 142-146 cm
    • Description: Heavier riders benefit from longer wakeboards, as they provide increased stability, buoyancy, and weight distribution. Longer boards offer more control, especially when landing jumps and performing tricks.
  5. Riders over 220 lbs (100 kg):

    • Wakeboard Length: 146 cm and above
    • Description: For riders with higher body weights, longer wakeboards offer optimal buoyancy, stability, and control. They allow for smooth gliding and better weight distribution on the water.

Remember, these recommendations are general guidelines, and personal preferences can vary. It's essential to consider factors such as riding style, skill level, and board characteristics when making a final decision. Always consult with knowledgeable professionals or experienced riders for additional guidance based on your specific needs and preferences.

By choosing the right size wakeboard that suits your body weight, you'll set yourself up for a more enjoyable and successful wakeboarding experience.




Advantages of Opting for a Shorter Wakeboard

The performance of a wakeboard is influenced by its shape, and shorter boards, in general, offer certain benefits. Although shorter wakeboards tend to be slower and require more energy to propel through the water due to their reduced surface area, they excel in other areas. Shorter wakeboards are easier to maneuver and spin in the air, enabling you to execute flips and tricks while soaring across the wake. However, it's important to note that shorter wakeboards can make landings more challenging as their decreased surface area may cause the nose to dig in, resulting in a face-first entry into the water.

Reasons to Choose a Longer Wakeboard

Longer wakeboards are typically more beginner-friendly and offer a solid boost when launching off the wake. Although longer wakeboards are heavier and require more effort to maneuver in the air, they provide enhanced control, making them ideal for learning tricks and mastering the fundamentals. The increased surface area of longer wakeboards allows them to glide effortlessly on the water, enabling faster movement. Additionally, the larger surface area contributes to softer landings, minimizing the impact on your body.

Selecting the Right Wakeboard Based on Skill Level

While certain wakeboard shapes may facilitate easier learning for beginners, it's important to note that riders of any skill level can ride any shape of wakeboard as long as it is adequately sized. Beginners should not shy away from advanced board shapes, and advanced riders can still perform exceptionally using beginner-friendly wakeboards. The key factor in choosing a wakeboard is selecting the appropriate size. Ultimately, the process of selecting a wakeboard should be enjoyable and driven by personal preferences. Don't hesitate to explore different shapes and let aesthetics play a role in your decision-making process.

Wakeboard Rocker and Riding Style

Continuous Rocker Wakeboards: Wakeboards with a continuous rocker feature a single, smooth curve, providing fast and seamless rides. These wakeboards allow you to link turns effortlessly and generate considerable speed. Their predictable pop off the wake launches you further into the flats, making them perfect for carving, especially during calm mornings.

3-Stage Rocker Wakeboards: A wakeboard with a 3-stage rocker has three distinct planes on its bottom surface. This rocker profile enhances the wakeboard's pop when hitting the wake. However, more rocker can make the wakeboard feel looser or slipperier on the water, reducing its speed. Landing impacts are more intense due to the flatter center spot, and edging becomes crucial as the wakeboard tends to plow through the water.

Hybrid Rocker Wakeboards: Hybrid rocker profiles, including Hybrid 3-Stage, Abrupt Continuous, Blended 3-Stage, combine features of both continuous and 3-stage rockers. Different wakeboard brands offer unique combinations in this category, providing varying riding experiences.

Camber Wakeboards: Inspired by classic ski and snowboard shapes, camber wakeboards have a profile that allows you to ride more centered compared to continuous or 3-stage rocker lines. Once you get accustomed to it, camber wakeboards can provide a pleasantly surprising ride.

Wakeboard Base Shapes & Materials

Concaves: Wakeboards with concaves feature special dents on their bottoms, creating lift and reducing suction. This design allows the board to sit higher in the water, providing a hovercraft-like cruising experience.

Channels: Channels act as long, extruded fins on the wakeboard's bottom, breaking surface tension before the rest of the wakeboard hits the water. This design resembles a swan dive compared to a belly-flop.

V-Shape Spines: Spines are added to wakeboards with 3-stage rockers to soften landings and facilitate easy edge-to-edge transitions. They function similarly to the V-shaped