Can You Wake Surf Behind A Jet Ski? (Coming Soon)
Well, Can You Wake Surf Behind A Jet Ski?
Well, we don't have the answer yet, don't be in such a rush lol we just got the gear today, and we wanted to make this post before the video as we're super excited. We also want to see what does better, the jet skis or the jet karts.
Our friends over at Ronix Wake were kind enough to hook us up with their very last wake shaper to have some jet ski and jet kart based shenanigans to see if we should even surf behind them at all.
What Equipment Will We Be Using For Testing?
For the jet skis, we will be using a 2019 Yamaha VX. The specs for this ski as far as weight, size, etc. can be found HERE. The other piece of equipment we will be testing is one of Evolution Jetsports EvoJet Jet Karts. To find out more about those you can find them HERE, and to get a rough estimate of the specs since they start their life as a SeaDoo Spark, you can find the Spark specs HERE.
How Will The Wake Shaper Be Mounted?
This we shall see, we have seen one other person do this test, but we also want to see if it is jet-ski dependent. Could the shape and the weight of the jet ski change the best location? We will have to do some testing to find out, and we may be surprised. Also with the spark hull not being as suction cup friendly like a VX hull, we may be limited on spots to even put the wake shaper on the jet kart.
Why Are We Doing This?
Mostly for fun, we can't lie at all. We can by no means offer this as a service to our renters as unfortunately, we can't give it a pass of safety for non-professionals. What we do realize though is not everyone can afford a wake-boat, or a boat at all for that matter. This is what generally makes wake surfing and wakeboarding unattainable for many people. Wakeboards themselves aren't very expensive, and neither are wake ropes, etc. A whole setup can be bought used on Facebook for just a couple hundred bucks. This unfortunately leaves out the biggest expense, the boat. Decent wake boats can be $40k and up, and even cheaper not great used boats will be $15k and up. We're not sure about you guys but that's a lot of money to do just one thing. A jet ski on the used market can be just a few thousand, and if it functions good enough, it may not give the same wake as a $45k boat, but it could provide some amazing fun for a beginner that just wants to get into the sport to see if they even like it.
When Will The Video Be Posted?
We just go the wake shaper in today, so probably a couple of weeks between testing to the best location on both the ski and kart, as well as getting good video, editing, etc. We also have never wakeboarded behind a jet ski before, so I'm sure there's going to be plenty of bloopers along the way. We're excited to get to test this and hopefully, it opens up the ability for some amazing times for you guys as well.